J. Brian Aune
President, Alderprise Inc.
André Desmarais, O.C., O.Q.
Executive Co-Chairman of the Corporation and Deputy Chairman, President, and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Power Corporation of Canada
The Honourable Paul Desmarais, P.C., C.C., O.Q.
Chairman of the Executive Committee, Power Corporation of Canada
Paul Desmarais, Jr., O.C., O.Q.
Executive Co-Chairman of the Corporation and Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Power Corporation of Canada
Gérald Frère
Managing Director, Frère-Bourgeois S.A.
Anthony R. Graham, LL.D.
President, Wittington Investments, Limited
Robert Gratton
Deputy Chairman, Power Corporation of Canada
The Right Honourable Donald F. Mazankowski, P.C., O.C., A.O.E.
Company Director
Raymond L. McFeetors
Vice-Chairman of the Corporation and Chairman, Great-West Lifeco Inc.
Jerry E.A. Nickerson
Chairman, H.B. Nickerson & Sons Limited
R. Jeffrey Orr
President and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation
Michel Plessis-Bélair
Vice-Chairman, Power Corporation of Canada
Raymond Royer, O.C., O.Q., FCPA, FCA
Company Director
Guy St-Germain, C.M.
President, Placements Laugerma Inc.
Emőke J.E. Szathmáry, C.M., O.M., PH.D., FRSC
President Emeritus, University of Manitoba