James W. Burns, O.C., O.M.
Deputy Chairman of the Corporation
Laurent Dassault
Managing Director, Dassault Investissements
The Honourable William G. Davis, P.C., C.C., Q.C.
Counsel, Torys
André Desmarais, O.C., O.Q.
President and Co-Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation and Deputy Chairman, Power Financial Corporation
The Honourable Paul Desmarais, P.C., C.C., O.Q.
Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Corporation
Paul Desmarais, Jr., O.C., O.Q.
Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation and Chairman, Power Financial Corporation
Michel François-Poncet
Vice-Chairman, BNP Paribas
Robert Gratton
President and Chief Executive Officer, Power Financial Corporation
F. Ross Johnson, O.C., LL.D.
Chairman, RJM Group Inc.
Jacques de Larosière de Champfeu
Honorary Governor, Bank of France, and Adviser, BNP Paribas
The Right Honourable Donald F. Mazankowski, P.C., O.C., A.O.E.
Company Director
Jerry E.A. Nickerson
Chairman, H.B. Nickerson & Sons Limited
Sylvia Ostry, C.C.
Distinguished Research Fellow, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto
Robert Parizeau
Chairman, Aon Parizeau Inc.
Jean Peyrelevade
Chairman, Crédit Lyonnais
The Honourable P. Michael Pitfield, P.C., Q.C.
Vice-Chairman of the Corporation and of Power Corporation of Canada
Michel Plessis-Bélair
Vice-Chairman and Chief Financial Officer of the Corporation and Executive Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer, Power Financial Corporation
John A. Rae, C.M.
Executive Vice-President, Office of the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Corporation
Emőke J.E. Szathmáry, C.M., O.M., PH.D., FRSC
President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Manitoba