Wilbrod Bherer, C.M., Q.C.
Chairman, Canadian Vickers Limited
Robert Campeau
President, Campeau Corporation Limited
Alfredo F. Campo
Chairman, Petrofina Canada Limited
Peter D. Curry
Chairman, Investors Group Inc.
The Honourable Paul Desmarais, P.C., C.C., O.Q.
President and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation
Jean-Paul Gignac, O.C.
President, Sidbec
Claude Hébert
President, Warnock Hersey International Limited
W. Earle McLaughlin
Chairman and President, The Royal Bank of Canada
A.D. Nesbitt
Chairman, Nesbitt, Thomson and Company, Limited
Paul Britton Paine, Q.C.
Executive Vice-President and General Counsel of the Corporation
Jean Parisien, C.A.
President of the Corporation
Robert C. Scrivener
President, Bell Canada
J.M. Seabrook
Chairman and President, International Utilities Corporation
Arthur Simard, Q.C.
Chairman, Marine Industries Limited
Peter N. Thomson
Deputy Chairman of the Corporation
William I.M. Turner, Jr., C.M.
President, Consolidated-Bathurst Limited